Wednesday, January 24, 2007

3rd Grade Classes Write Collaborative Haiku

3rd grade students worked together to write a single haiku about the library.

During library lessons, students learned the 17 syllable, 3 line, 5-7-5 pattern of haikus and were read aloud to from the book of haiku, If Not For the Cat by Jack Prelutsky. Sitting at one of three tables, students first braiinstormed a list of words associated with the library. Next, each table was given a blank piece of paper with either a "5" or "7" written at the top and told to construct a line for a haiku about the library with that many syllables in it. After the three lines of the haiku were submitted, students decided which 5 syllable line they wanted first and which one last. Here is what they came up with:

Miss Tennant's Class -

Paper fluttering
Dewey Decimal System
Books, books everywhere

Miss Donnelly's Class -

Looking at the books
Dewey Decimal System
We wait, we be quiet

Miss Kezar's Class -

There are lots of chairs
passwords on computers
Barcodes beep on book