Wednesday, November 29, 2006

4th and 5th grade - Why Should I Read?

Do you know the definition of gloaming, gloriole, glossitis, and gloxinia? If not, just ask a 4th or 5th grader at Washington.

Students in Mr. Brock's and Miss Khan's classes are realizing the importance of becoming good readers by completing lessons that investigate Kelly Ghallager's 9 Reading Reasons. Reason #3 - reading builds your vocabulary - was demonstrated with a lesson in which students learned the defintion of the 4 unfamiliar words above by relying completely on context clues.

Investigating the 9 Reading Reasons during weekly library visits will not only help students understand the importance of reading, but will also give them the tools to independently master reading challenges and in so doing improve not only their confidence, but overall literacy as well.

Stay tuned for future Reading Reasons posts.

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