Friday, April 27, 2007

Who Will The Winners Be?

The Washington Cattie Awards are quickly approaching. Students are becoming familiar with each of the 5 nominees in their classes' category of books. All nominated books have won the Caldecott Award. For example, students in Miss Johnson's 1st grade class are debating the performance of the moon in each of the books they've heard so far in order to decide which performance is the best. At the same time, 2nd graders in Mrs. Fambrini's class are learning to appreciate nature and will ultimately decide upon one book that best represents the appreication of nature. Fourth graders will hear a folktale from Japan, China, England, Africa, as well as one from a Native American tribe before deciding which one is the best multiculural folktale. And, the 5th grade is handling the "best documentary" category by choosing the best non-fiction book - So You Want To Be President,The Glorious Flight,The Man Who Walked Between the Towers,Snowflake Bentley, or They Were Strong and Good.

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