Monday, April 9, 2007

Reif Review

The China Doll by Eliza Strong

2nd grade and up. In The China Doll, Sarah, a china doll, has the perfect idea for a birthday present for her girl, Jessica - a tea set. But, "where was a china doll going to find such a gift?" Not one to give up, Sarah sets off on an adventure determined to find Jessica a tea set for her 5th birthday. She encounters several characters to ask for help along the way, but has to give each something in order to get an answer. Cracked, dirty, and wet, Sarah finally returns to Jessica's bedroom with a tea set. Having to always give something to get something, Sarah assumes Jessica's mother expects the same when she begins to clean her up. "'I don't need anything from you. It is enough that you make my daughter smile,"" is Jessica's mother's response.

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