Monday, March 5, 2007

Reading Reason #4 - 5th grade library lesson for 3/12

Reading Reason #4 - Reading is Hard - and "Hard" is Necessary (from Reading Reasons by Kelly Gallagher)

Reading can be difficult especially when it comes to the fine print. But, understanding the fine print is necessary when it comes to signing an agreement, like a cell phone contract. By signing a cell phone contract, you agree to all of the terms and fees included within it. Look at the Disney Individual 400 cell phone agreement and answer these questions:

1.) How much will you be charged when you go to the store purchase this cell phone plan? Does this include the price of the phone itself?

2.) What happens if you want to switch to a different plan after 6 months?

3.) How many hours of minutes to you get per month?

4.) Can you call your friends between 7pm and 8pm for free on weeknights?

5.) Can you text message for free? If not how much does it cost?

6.) How much will it cost if you go over your montly minutes?