Thursday, February 15, 2007

Using Reference Resources

1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders have begun a "Using Reference Resources" unit during their weekly library time.

- Where is the reference section in the Washington Library?
- What are the main types of reference books?
- When is a reference book used?
- What is the difference between a reading book and a reference book?

- What is the difference between the types of reference books and
how do I choose which one to use?

1st and 2nd graders are reinforcing their alphabetizing skills while learning about the organization of and types of information contained in a dictionary. Students have learned that the guide words on each page of a dictionary guide a user to the alphabetical list of words on that page. In addition, students have learned that dictionaries can be used to not only to define a word, but also to determine its correct spelling, how it's used in a sentence, and that some words are illustrated with a picture or photograph. 1st and 2nd grade classes visiting the library on Valentine's Day used the dictionary to look up answers to Valentine's Day related questions in order to realize the types of information held in a dictionary. For example, students were asked How many days are there in the month of February? Did I spell "chocolat" correctly? What are the guide words on the page with the heart?

3rd graders are exploring encyclopedias to enhance their understanding of how information is organized. Specifically, students have been examing the differences and similarities between a table of contents and an index. Students have discovered that only the main headings of article entries are listed in the table of contents for each volume and that the index should be used to locate other subtopics or vocabulary that is mentioned within these entries, but not listed in the table of contents. For example, classes attempted to find information on leprechauns using the table of contents. After discovering that there was no entry for leprechaun, they checked the index and were directed to the article titled "Fairies".

Classes will continue learning about other types of reference books by moving on to either dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, or almanacs. The unit will conclude with an on-line database and a Reference Resource Scavanger Hunt.